Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Red - ShoeLore final two pages

Hooray - finished final 2 of 4 pages.  Thanks to fellow students and prof Angela who assisted with various 'issues' with things looking different in various browsers and needing to re-do linking of menu..navigation links.  Found it was a bit less frustrating with the 'insert - image object - rollover image'  easier to style that way.  What an eye strain staring at the code views to 'find' some tiny missing particle.  Must remember to look away every 20 minutes - re-focus!

Here's link to the website.  Hope it works!

1 comment:

  1. This is a very organic design that reflects your interpretation of the color. The simplicity of your design reflects a great graphic quality. There is a sense of uniformity particularly with the splash of the blood across all the pages. The organicness of the background with the angular text boxes adds complexity and contrast to the pages. The copy is really bold and simple which brings it to the essence of information - which are notes, the links take the user to further useful information leaving the user to a quick and easy scan, which is what we perceive people doing. Good use of analogous colors.
    TECHNICAL / CODE: The links work and take you out of the site. Perhaps the spacing of the Red shoes picture and the banners below is the only problem – lets look at the code, watch the ling up of your buttons – “home” moves to the left - that is about all. Excellent job, very clean and organized. Your commenting out is a little too minimal – should make statements about all your div tags. If you are using the same typeface though out the pages then that can be defined only once in the wrapper, also the normal attribute does not need to be included unless it is stated as different in the wrapping div tags
