Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Red - Shoe Lore roughs

This rough for my 'splash' home page is 'boring' says Angela.  She also said each word or so would need it's own box to enable client to change things around more easily.

This rough for 'splash' home page met with more approval from Angela & I was able to work out the header and tagline in Dreamweaver.   The header 'ShoeLore' along with the strip behind it was worked in psd and saved as png to allow for transparent area behind strip  (Yea!  Now, how to work out the menu (do as links??  rollovers??)

1 comment:

  1. THESE are starting to look really good. When you are doing only text the text actually has to really work in the space both negatively and positively - perhaps even the menu bar and header can be a part of the text that the page has?
    the 2nd one is working well. I am not sure the lone rectangle box that holds the 2nd heading is correct - try a little smaller but I like the break of the grid!
    Excellent work!!
